发表于 2022-1-2 13:19:38
这台机器现在特别适合广大work from home(在家工作)的群众们。
奥斯本效应,在IT业界有一个比较出名的“奥斯本效应”(Osborne Effect),源于电脑先驱亚当·奥斯本。在1980年初,颇受欢迎的个人电脑厂商奥斯本,其公司的创新式便携电脑还没有上市,就宣布他们要推出的更高档的机器,而又迟迟无法交货,消费者闻风纷纷停止下单订购现有机种,最后导致奥斯本因收入枯竭而宣布破产。 可以看看这个视频有更多说明:
当然,视频来源Marques Brownlee的YouTube下面的评论也说明了大家的看法:
My grandmother has a Toshiba laptop that is 15 years old and she still calls it new.
I've watched about 5 more reviews and the screen is amazing that even in direct light it does not show any kind of reflections whatsoever, they have done a mind boggling job with this thing.
"Where else in Apple's lineup do you see bezels this big?" iPhone SE: "So do you guys validate parking?"
“在苹果的产品线中还有什么地方可以看到如此大的边框?”iPhone SE:“那么你们验证停车吗?”
Fittingly, the first person who ever described The Osborne Effect to me was Steve Jobs himself in a conversation on the rationale behind Apple’s then-renowned secrecy over product roadmaps and production pipelines. He also always held the power of stopping any project in its tracks if he felt necessary without the pressure of any announced consumer or developer release dates. So frankly I found it stunning when Tim Cook announced Apple Silicon now. “Why?” I asked myself. When Steve Jobs announced Intel Macs, he ALSO revealed OS X’s “secret double life” and amazed the audience that such a huge transition that took them years to achieve had already been well completed before the world at large heard one word about it. I think Apple Silicon is a great advancement and I’m sure there was a lot of pressure on them to reveal these efforts given Apple has been criticized in recent years for seemingly not innovating as rapidly or as substantially as years past. But The Osborne Effect looms large here and I’m all but certain it will put a dent in Mac sales. Using myself as a prime example, if I had no clue Apple Silicon was coming I would’ve unquestionably already placed my order for this new iMac. But expressly because I remember how from one day to the next my G4 iMac became a doorstop, the only Intel Macs I want are the ones I already own. I will be ordering my Apple Silicon iMac the very day they take the first orders for them and I am only too happy to wait for that day to come. I can’t imagine that Apple didn’t consider the millions of us that will wait out this transition so my only explanation as to why they went ahead and announced it now anyway is that they just don’t care. They’ve become big enough and rich enough that this will just be a blip in their stats where other companies that made this error went bankrupt doing such a thing. When the rumors first started swirling that Apple had dropped Intel CPUs on the Mac, I was all but certain that, if true, we’d be seeing the first Apple Silicon Macs right now. So I gotta be honest... I’m baffled about why they chose to announce it this way. And I’m reminded how much I miss Steve Jobs, who always had great restraint on this because the reveal was just as important to him as the product itself. Peace and thanks to everyone who read this crazy long comment. Hope you got something out of it.
与此相关的是,第一个向我描述奥斯本效应的人是史蒂夫·乔布斯本人,当时他就苹果当时享誉市场的产品路线图和生产管道保密背后的原理进行了对话。如果他认为有必要,而没有任何已宣布的消费者或开发者发布日期的压力,他也始终拥有在其轨道上停止任何项目的权力。坦率地说,当蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)现在宣布推出Apple Silicon时,我感到非常惊奇。 “为什么?”我问自己。史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)宣布英特尔Macs时,他还透露了OS X的“秘密双重生活”,并使观众感到惊讶,这种耗时数年的巨大转变已经很好地完成了,整个世界都对此一无所知。我认为Apple Silicon是一个巨大的进步,而且我敢肯定,由于近年来苹果似乎因其创新速度不及过去几年而受到批评,因此他们面临着很大的压力来揭示这些努力。但是,奥斯本效应(Osborne Effect)在这里势不可挡,我几乎可以肯定,它将使Mac销量下降。以我自己为例,如果我不知道苹果Silicon即将到来的话,那么毫无疑问,我已经订购了这款新iMac。但是明确地说,因为我记得我的G4 iMac从一天到第二天是如何成为门挡的,所以我想要的唯一的Intel Mac是我已经拥有的Mac。在他们收到第一笔订单的那天,我将订购我的Apple Silicon iMac,我很高兴等到这一天到来。我无法想象Apple不会考虑我们中的数百万人将等待这种过渡,所以我对他们为何继续前进并立即宣布的唯一解释是他们根本不在乎。他们已经变得足够大和足够富有,以至于这只是他们统计数据中的一小部分,而其他犯此错误的公司则因为这样做而破产。当谣言第一次开始流传,苹果公司已经在Mac上放弃了Intel CPU时,我几乎可以肯定的是,如果是的话,我们现在将会看到第一批Apple Silicon Macs。所以我要说实话...我为他们为什么选择以这种方式宣布感到困惑。我想起了我想念史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的时候,他一直对此保持极大的克制,因为揭露对他来说和产品本身一样重要。和平,并感谢阅读此疯狂长篇评论的每个人。希望你从中得到一些东西。
<a data-draft-node="block" data-draft-type="link-card" href="http://www.zhihu.com/question/413313407/answer/1399844933" class="internal">最新iMac 5K Nano-texture 纳米纹理玻璃面板怎么样?简单来讲,如果公司需要,多加500刀是值得的,因为苹果的这个技术确实专业。 |